Braxton James Pike

Braxton James Pike was born on December 21st 2017. He was the most intelligent, loving, caring 3 year old you'd ever met. He was a dare devil and loved his little sister Hazelee! He loved his dinosaurs; he could name every dinosaur you could possibly imagine, his monster trucks; El Toro Loco was his favorite, and any type of water; swimming, baths, you name it. He was the most outgoing little boy. He even told the random cashier at Costco that he loved him as we were getting ready to leave.

Braxton was unexpectedly taken from us on March 3rd 2021 in a tragic blind cord accident. It has forever changed all of our families lives. We were honored when we got the nomination to be the next family sponsored by Peyton's Smile. Jenna and Bill are heaven sent! What they have created is absolutely incredible. We are so excited to make new memories in Disney this October thanks to the organization they have created in honor of their daughter.

"I will hold you in my heart until I can hold you in Heaven."

Kristina Neesam