Noah Jeremiah

Noah Jeremiah was born on June 8, 2020 and passed away peacefully that same day. At 13 weeks, Ellie and Matt found out that Noah had Trisomy 13 and was incompatible with life. We were given the option to terminate, but we chose to carry. We were told he would most likely pass in utero, but he thrived instead. We were told he wouldn’t survive labor and delivery, but he did. Though he had Trisomy 13, it did not define him. What did was his courageous and brave fight to meet us, his family. For one hour, all he knew was unconditional love. Trisomy babies are precious, a gift, a life to not be underestimated and loved by his parents (Ellie and Matt), big sister (Navaeh), and big brothers (Matthew and Ryan). His siblings have their Noah bears that have his heartbeat recorded to sleep every night. We enjoy seeing rainbows and butterflies that remind us of our sweet baby Noah. We hope we can live life to the fullest in Noah’s honor. We are so grateful to be given such a generous gift from Peyton’s Smile to help celebrate Noah’s life. We plan to go to Hawaii early next year.

Kristina Neesam